General Categories


Entries in the general categories will be judged for their combined editorial and design qualities, including editing/writing/reporting, layout and design, organization, and value to audience. See specific categories for additional criteria.

Overall Excellence

Criteria: This entry must present a strong and consistent publication package. The publication must demonstrate that it is targeted to the audience it serves and that it fulfills its mission. It must be written clearly and authoritatively. The content-driven design must be clean and consistent.
Limitations: This category may only be entered once by each publication.
Submit: Three physical copies of three different complete issues. One PDF representation of entry for use in awards presentation.


Criteria: This entry is for an annual supplement that is a directory of suppliers, entertainment venues or members, or another list pertinent to the parent publication’s mission and audience. A directory may be either a stand-alone supplement or an issue in which the directory comprises at least 50 percent of the editorial content. Judges will consider attractiveness of design and layout, ease of use, consistency of presentation and clarity of information. 
Limitations: Publications may enter this category multiple times. 
Note: This category has only two circulation classifications: over 60,000 and under 60,000.
Submit: Three physical copies of the directory or three copies of the complete issue in which the directory appears. One PDF representation of entry for use in awards presentation.


Criteria: A single-topic issue is one in which at least 50 percent of the issue’s editorial content is a clearly defined and labeled editorial-driven single topic. 
A special section is an editorial-driven, clearly defined and labeled consecutive group of articles and related material (sidebars, callouts, etc.) of any length focusing on a single topic. 
special supplement is a separately published, editorial-driven single-topic publication packaged or mailed with a regular issue. 
Limitations: Publications may enter this category multiple times.
Note: No advertising special sections or “advertorials” will be accepted. 
Submit: Three physical copies of the single-topic issue, three copies of the complete issue in which the special section appears or three copies of the special supplement, including the issue it accompanied. One PDF representation of entry for use in awards presentation.

Use of Data Visualization/Infographic

Criteria: This entry will demonstrate skillful design that tells a data-driven story, summarizing a more complex concept using any combination of photos, video or text in a single cohesive graphic presentation. Print and digital visuals and/or infographics accepted.
Limitations: Publishers may enter this category multiple times.
Note: This category includes both B-to-B and B-to-C entrants.
Submit: Link or screenshot to source where infographic was displayed. Or PDF and JPG of print version.


Criteria: This entry is for a single subject-related package that includes any combination of the following: text articles, blogs, columns, videos, graphics/infographics, social media posts, photos, photo galleries, podcasts, webinars. Packages must clearly reflect a single cohesive editorial subject with all elements published in the same time period. Entries will be judged on the clarity and effectiveness of the cross-platform integration as well as the quality of the content.
Limitations: Do not enter a subject-related series published over successive issues or an extended time period.
Note: This category has only two circulation classifications: over 60,000 and under 60,000. 
Submit: Any examples of text articles, blogs, columns, videos, graphics/infographics, social media posts, photos, photo galleries, podcasts, webinars that support one subject matter. One PDF representation of the entry for awards presentation AND one representative JPG.